How to wear white?

For some time now I have been drawn to white. This photo of Margaux Hemingway 1974, by Douglas Kirkland, really sets the tone of my mood right now. I long for nature and those hot summer evenings at our second home away from home. After visiting Paris for some inspiration earlier in July, all I want to wear is thin white styles from top to toe!

Wide skirts with embroidery lining, thin cotton blouses with transparent details and sheer dresses in crepe cotton. Delicate lace details that are just as much grandmas old underskirts as they are vintage 1970s hippie dresses. Styles that are summery and easy to wear both for work but also for a lazy day in the park.

Made by Noemi - summer white inspiration!

This look is best made when you just see white as ‘black’. Disrespecting the light color and dare to get stains (they usually wash off anyway). I pair this very feminine look with a pair of Vans or just flat leather sandals. Dressing the white look down helps me dare to wear even the most delicate styles while walking my dog. I live now and I want to wear my beautiful styles now too!

Personally I don’t like wearing make up when it’s hot and prefer to dress up instead since I wear big shades anyway. Lazy, laid back and yet fit for the city life if necessary. My way of everyday luxury!



Photos: Margaux Hemingway by Douglas Kirkland / Leandra Medine for Manrepeller

What to wear underneath:


White soft bra in lace, Classic line.

Slip from Lace collection, Classic line.

Slip from Lace collection, Classic line.


White boxer shorts in lace, Classic line.

White underwired bra, Classic line.


Made by Noemi